Arts & Life

Content that focuses on popular culture, local art and music, entertainment and the events. Common topics include lifestyle, television and film, theater, music, video game, food, etc

Tailored for success

Dressed in a heather grey t-shirt, beanie and jeans, you would never guess from Kevin Schetne’s laidback appearance that he is a self-made business man. Schetne, 22, is a senior marketing major at Cal State Long Beach. Like most students, he balances work while going to school. Unlike so many[Read More…]

Trends: Normcore fashion

The cast of “Seinfeld” had their fashion game on point and we’re only learning about it now, more than ten years later. A few weeks ago, NY Magazine introduced “normcore” as “Fashion for those who realize they’re one in 7 billion.” Now, normcore has become almost inescapable with fashion forecasters[Read More…]

Imagining the Holi Color Festival

In spirit of the “Holi” celebration, strangers hugged and danced on the Excelsior high school grounds in Norwalk Saturday as the sweet scent of powder clouded the air. The literal meaning of the Indian word “Holi” is burning. According to ancient Indian tradition, the festival was originally known as “Holika,”[Read More…]

Panties, Pageantry and Philanthropy

Men wearing women’s underwear and hip thrusting in tight ‘80s aerobic wear, while fanatic girls cheer uncontrollably in the audience. Sean Zent, a senior communications major, vividly remembers putting on a speedo, bending over and pretending to play in the sand on stage, which he said was actually “pretty weird”.[Read More…]

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