
All letters to the editor, commentary, opinions, editorial boards, etc. Movie/tv show/book/music reviews should go in arts and life.

New media tax code may open dialogue

Editorial pages in newspapers and newsmagazines have become a wealth of oncoming Armageddon-type pontification in the past few months. There have been buyouts, layoffs and complete closures of uncountable American newspapers; journalists everywhere are looking for an answer to the question, “How can the news media survive in ‘the digital[Read More…]

Our View-The Forty-Niner delivers ASI endorsements

With the Cal State Long Beach Associated Students Inc. elections starting today, and running through Wednesday, we decided we should endorse candidates seeking executive positions. It should be noted that our method wasn’t scientific and should not determine how students vote. Before giving our endorsement, however, we would like to[Read More…]

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