
All letters to the editor, commentary, opinions, editorial boards, etc. Movie/tv show/book/music reviews should go in arts and life.

Texting modernizes ad potentiality

Remember all those Friday morning classes during your freshmen year? You’d walk through discarded party flyers filled with colorful pictures and half naked bodies promoting bars, clubs and social events. Well, times have changed. Text messaging and social media have become the new trend in advertising all over America. Many[Read More…]

Gaza peace not in near future

By now you’ve heard plenty about the ceased Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip that resulted in many civilian casualties. What you didn’t hear, however, is just as startling. The silence of protesters was deafening when Hamas was firing rockets on a regular basis into southern Israel, making life[Read More…]

Archaeology unearths scientific secrets of often mysterious Bible

PBS recently aired an outstanding documentary on the current state of archaeology related to the Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible. Entitled “The Bible’s Buried Secrets,” the documentary shows that archaeological findings often contradict biblical texts. For example, there is no archaeological evidence for the Exodus from Egypt, nor for the[Read More…]

CSULB parking always a bad dream

I know the Cal State Long Beach parking nightmare has been talked about, written about, maligned and criticized, but I must have one final word to vent my frustrations. Who knows, incoming students may learn a thing or two about how to deal with this mess. To start with, a[Read More…]

Senior shares short-timer ‘tude

Here we go again; another semester at sunny Cal State Long Beach. With the start of every semester, sunny or not, we all endure no parking, long lines and high book prices. This is the last semester I will have to endure such hardships. After eight years of college my[Read More…]

Our View-Peace is more than a word

Peace. It’s one of those cool but strange five-letter words in the English language. Peace is one of those oddball parts of speech that serves as a noun — world peace — or as a verb, as in “Peace out, yo.” As an unusual part of speech, peace serves as[Read More…]

Latinos silver lining in economic cloud

There’s a silver lining in the recent report by the Public Policy Institute of California, in spite of its doom-and-gloom conclusions projecting a major shortage of professionals in California by 2020. While the PPIC’s “California’s Future Workforce: Will There Be Enough College Graduates?” study accurately predicts this phenomena, it reaffirms[Read More…]

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