
All letters to the editor, commentary, opinions, editorial boards, etc. Movie/tv show/book/music reviews should go in arts and life.

Let’s speak sex positive

Nasty. That was my first thought when my mother told me about sex. I was going around for a week saying “sexy” this “sexy” that, when my mom sat me down and laid it all out for me. She told me it was OK to call someone sexy as long[Read More…]

Pakistan stability marginal at best

In July, U.S. military officials presented Pakistani officials with evidence linking the covert arm of the Pakistani military, known as Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), with a pro-Taliban network in Afghanistan that had bombed the Indian embassy in Kabul on July 7. Other evidence presented included information that the ISI has given[Read More…]

This Week In Cartoons-No on Proposition 8

As I walked around campus, I came across a poster for KBeach’s “Sex @ The Beach.” The poster depicted the silhouettes of a couple that pretty much described the theme of the show; sexuality. I must confess that I’m not an avid KBeach listener. For this I apologize to the[Read More…]

Russian grizzly bear needs U.S. swat on nose

Talk about a present sitting on my front porch after returning from vacation. I come back well-rested from an uneventful and uninteresting summer of politics — and a fresh viewing of Capote — and what awaits me but yet another conflict involving a country that I, until now, never knew[Read More…]

The Beach is the place to prosper

  As summer comes to a close and we kick off a new academic year, I would like to welcome all our students back to The Beach. I also want to extend our warmest greetings to our new students from throughout California and many out-of-state locations, including Florida, Michigan, China[Read More…]

New ASI Pres rings in fall semester

Hello students, and welcome to The Beach! As your student body president I would like to welcome you to a great semester at Cal State Long Beach and encourage you to make the most of your time on campus. I remember feeling nervous, overwhelmed and lost in the crowd my[Read More…]


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