
Newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events on campus and around Long Beach.

Seventh Street bridge to be closed for up to a year

Students driving to Cal State Long Beach from Orange County will face a detour as the 22 westbound-Seventh Street connector will be closed for up to a year, according to an Orange County Transportation Authority. The bridge will be demolished sometime in late February or early March, Christina Byrne of[Read More…]

Dorms to be vacant by Friday

Students living in the dorms at Cal State Long Beach will need to leave the premises by 7 p.m. Friday, according to Carol Roberts-Corb, director of Housing and Residential Life.  “Residents were informed about closing procedures and winter break information during mandatory floor meetings as well as in a flyer[Read More…]

Recent graduates coping with economic recession

As students reach the end of 2010, with an unemployment rate that has skyrocketed to 10 percent, soon-to-be graduates can only hope to stay afloat in a job force that doesn’t seem to have room for them. Cal State Long Beach senior communications major Victoria Curreri is planning on graduating[Read More…]

Salary chart of managers in CSU student governments

This salary chart lists the salaries for the overseers of the student governments in the California State University system. Student government institutions in the CSU have elected student officials. They also have a full-time overseer that is called an executive director, general manager or advisor.  In a three-week period, the Daily 49er[Read More…]

CSULB’s top-paid ASI official earns $121,932

The Associated Students Inc. executive director at Cal State Long Beach makes $121,932 a year, making him the fifth-highest paid ASI overseer in the Cal State University system.  ASI organizations are student-government institutions in the CSU that have elected student officials. They also have a full-time overseer that is called[Read More…]

Influx of on-campus suicide calls incites treatment

In light of a string of reported suicide attempts, Cal State Long Beach students may wish to know how they can prevent suicides on campus. Between Oct. 11 and Nov. 22, University Police responded to four calls of a person on the verge of suicide. Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)[Read More…]

Spring Closures Caused Inflation of Fall Applications

Yesterday, the Daily 49er reported on the number of transfer student applications that had been received for fall 2011. This number, along with fall 2010 applications, were inordinately greater than any years prior by 40 percent. The reason for this large increase is due to the closures of spring 2009[Read More…]


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