
Newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events on campus and around Long Beach.

Students fast to help those in need

The Muslim Student Association raised more than $600 during their sixth annual Fast-a-Thon event last Thursday. In observance of Ramadan, the Islamic  month of fasting, participants in the event are asked to go from sunrise to sunset without eating so that someone else can. First-time fasters and lifelong devotees met[Read More…]

Nugget adds salsa to its Wednesday menu

Nearly 200 students packed The Nugget last Wednesday to get a taste of salsa — dancing, that is. The Cal State Long Beach Salsa Club held free salsa lessons to promote its organization and to introduce students to the Afro-Caribbean-based dance. The external vice president of the club, Jennifer Diaz,[Read More…]

International, American students buddy up

The International Buddy Program is pairing American students and new international students in order to create a personal bond between different backgrounds. As the students are paired up, they are able to get the best of both worlds. Through the program, international students will be introduced to the American culture.[Read More…]

CFA to mourn students, higher ed plan

A service will be held Wednesday for the “death” of the California Master Plan for Higher Education in attempt to get California State University system administration to take a stronger leadership role. As the CSU board of trustees meets, the California Faculty Association will hold a mock funeral for the[Read More…]

CSULB honors lost, missing soldiers

Cal State Long Beach held its seventh annual National Prisoners of War/Missing in Action (POW/MIA) Recognition Day to pay tribute to soldiers from past and present wars. Supporters ranged from CSULB students to President F. King Alexander at the Veteran’s Flag Pole next to the Vietnam Memorial on Friday morning.[Read More…]

Scenarios play out another 10% increase, greater cuts

Faculty and staff continue to focus on possible scenarios for Cal State Long Beach’s budget outlook for 2010-11. Mary Stephens, vice president of administration and finance, presented three different plans via PowerPoint along with Vice Provost David Dowell at last Thursday’s Academic Senate meeting. All three scenarios were prepared without[Read More…]

Senator resigns from ASI due to course load

A senator resigned from Associated Students Inc. and the senate nominated three students for the Student Fee Advisory Committee at its meeting yesterday. Christina Avila, senator of the College of Engineering, credited her decision to an overload of 18 upper-division course units. “I’ll study near USU though,” she said. “I[Read More…]

Socialist Party protests LB education cuts

“They say cut back, we say fight back!” people chanted on the corner of Ocean Boulevard and Pacific Avenue in downtown Long Beach on Tuesday afternoon in protest of the city budget cuts. Some people driving by honked their horns as a sign of approval and agreement, encouraging the people[Read More…]

Anthropologist shares insights from time in Afghanistan

Everyday, war and political information about Afghanistan and Pakistan is reported by the media, but many times people are left wondering what else is going on with those countries and their people. Guest speaker and applied anthropologist Patricia Omidian marked the Center for Peace and Social Justice’s first event at[Read More…]


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