
Newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events on campus and around Long Beach.

GI bill has checks vets can’t cash

When the post-Sept. 11 GI Bill became effective in August, Cal State Long Beach student veterans were given an opportunity to receive greater benefits while attending college. Although the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs initially announced that qualified beneficiaries will receive their housing and supplies checks in 30 days of[Read More…]

Artwork profits to be donated to community

Seven Cal State Long Beach students, alumni and faculty have donated their newest works to be auctioned off Sunday at the Long Beach Museum of Art. Ysabel Gray, MJ Kim, Tae-Hoon Kim, Tony Marsh, Gerardo Monterrubio, Robert Moore, Matt Wedel and more than 100 other artists will be featured in[Read More…]

Taiko club drums without missing beat

Downright thunderous, the sound from the drums echoed across the lawn. Their hands gripped firmly onto the sticks. Yelling to each other in encouragement, the players pounded mightily with powerful snaps of the wrist. Passersby looked upon them curiously. This was Umi Daiko, Cal State Long Beach’s taiko club, enjoying[Read More…]

CSULB community not ‘starving’ due to cuts

Many students welcomed the first scheduled furlough as an opportunity to  sit back and relax, though some are unhappy about the mandatory campus shutdowns. In order to address California’s budget crisis, the California State University system instituted furlough days before the start of the fall 2009 term. That means fewer[Read More…]

Alleged murderer’s hearing rescheduled for 2nd time

The preliminary hearing for the suspect in the murder of a Cal State Long Beach nursing student has been moved to Oct. 19. This is the second time the hearing has been rescheduled. Jonathan Huynh, handcuffed and led in by a deputy officer, scanned the crowd during his brief appearance[Read More…]

CSULB president brings hope at Q-and-A

President F. King Alexander entered the room, took off his coat and smiled. He took his seat at the head of the oval table, folding his coat neatly on the back of the chair. The eyes of 28 students shifted back and forth, waiting to see whose hand would rise[Read More…]

Read with your ears

Whether it’s for convenience or for independence, Cal State Long Beach students can now listen to books on the go. Through donations, CSULB is now offering Playaways, a small MP3 device that is preloaded with an entire book. The library originally provided cassettes beginning in 2002, then later switched to[Read More…]

Students ‘serious’ about getting into their majors

While heavy competition and rigorous courses are an expected part of impacted majors, many students feel uneasy about encountering the chaos for the first time next fall. Starting fall 2010, 12 additional majors will be impacted at Cal State Long Beach. The majors are biology, communications studies, design, English, history,[Read More…]

Latin festival spices up downtown LB

With the clouds hanging gray in the morning, the sky cleared up later that afternoon for the city’s first Latin Festival and Parade held Saturday in downtown Long Beach. A vibrant, diverse crowd gathered from all over Long Beach. Not one face looked alike, and many showed up with shirts[Read More…]

Read all about it – if possible

There may be fewer students cracking open books at the start of this semester — not because they don’t want to, but because there aren’t any left. Many Cal State Long Beach students are struggling to study due to the low availability of textbooks in the campus bookstore. According to[Read More…]


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