Arts & Life

Five study tips to help students get through finals

With the end of the semester approaching, students are preparing to brace up as final exams are around the corner.

The last thing needed in the holiday season is to stress about exams. That’s why it’s recommended to set up a plan prior.

Don’t worry. Here are five tips on how to help students excel and stay jolly during finals.

Start off by creating a detailed study plan. It can be difficult for some to make time to study, but it’s necessary to remain focused. Writing in a planner, calendar and even typing notes on a phone are helpful ideas that help organize what to study along with what time during the week to go over course material.

With that being said, utilize color coding specific notes and important terms. It provides structure and it is easier on the brain to remember. Don’t over do it and focus too much on highlighting and post-it note everything. Color coding is just a tool to gather information together and steer the mind to memorize the notes quicker.

Make it a priority to refrain from any distractions. As students it is often easy to get preoccupied with phones, TV and playing vibrant music. By turning off the TV and temporarily hiding accessible electronics like a phone, can make a difference positively towards studying. Listening to calm music like jazz, instrumentals, lo-fi or soothing sounds will not be as disturbing as listening to loud or too much catchy songs because it can be addicting.

Please get a good rest. Studying is important, but so is mental health. Lack of sleep can cause stress, worsen the immune system and a messed up sleeping pattern. As much as students like to stay up late to glance through lectures and such, it is important and should be prioritized to take a break. Going to sleep on a timely schedule can help jumpstart the day.

Another way to jumpstart the day before taking exams is to eat a healthy breakfast. Consuming ‘brain food’ like oranges, apples, granola bars or nuts are just some options to choose from when deciding what to eat in the morning of finals. Try not to overeat because it could affect performance during an exam.

Any of these tips will be helpful as students prepare to take the final exam of the semester. Do not forget to utilize the library as there will be extended hours starting Dec. 4 through Dec. 16 and will be open 7 a.m. to 2 a.m.

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