
Features are not limited to features on people. Articles in the features category are in-depth, written analysis of a certain topic. This can include a feature of a restaurant, group, person, organization, location, hobby, club, etc.

CSULB student-entrepreneurs risk more than money

The million-dollar idea may be an abstract concept, but for some young entrepreneurs at California State University, Long Beach, it’s a reality that hinges on diligence and dedication. “The reason I’m here at my age is probably because I’ve made more mistakes than anybody that you know or that’s currently[Read More…]

New treasurer is gold

She is able to balance school, her three children and her sanity with grace. She wears the essence of hard-worker on her sleeve. Diligent, powerful and tenacious are a few words that describe the veteran, mother and newly-elected California State University, Long Beach Associated Students, Inc. Treasurer Wendy Lewis. Sitting[Read More…]

Gone astray

Life can be like a game of chutes and ladders. One wrong move and it’s straight to the bottom of the board. Terri Hayes learned that the hard way. But now, she’s making the climb back to the top— one rung at a time, one day at a time. Terri[Read More…]

SoCal Corgi Nation hoard Huntington Beach

The stub-legged swarm of Welsch hounds waddled into Huntington Dog Beach, dragging their bellies in the sand for SoCal’s Corgi Nation’s ninth event on Saturday. Founded by a Long Beach-based married couple in October 2012, the community organization coordinates four meet-ups per year that include meet and greets with the[Read More…]

Finding a seat at the table

Eight — nights in jail, one for every time they caught him at the border. Six — students sitting at “the table for outcasts” back when he couldn’t speak much English. Three — younger siblings watching him become the first in his family to finish college. One —undocumented immigrant named Jose[Read More…]

Kind and concrete

A curly, brown-haired six-year-old smiled to herself as she ran her fingers through the warm park sand. The bright-eyed, joyful girl turned to pour the sand into her bucket, but it wasn’t there. A grown woman held her bucket, chewing on the handle. She ran to her mother, scared and[Read More…]

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