
All letters to the editor, commentary, opinions, editorial boards, etc. Movie/tv show/book/music reviews should go in arts and life.

Ariz. law unfair to Latinos, Hispanics

Last Friday, Arizona Republican Gov. Jan Brewer signed Senate Bill 1070 into Arizona state law despite the opposition of hundreds of protesters demonstrating outside of the capitol building. The new law will give Arizona police the legal power to detain an individual for questioning if there is “reasonable suspicion” that[Read More…]

Operation Iraqi Freedom by any other name would smell as foul

The Obama administration’s renaming of Operation Iraqi Freedom, fools no one. President Obama’s administration hopes to shed new light on Operation Iraqi Freedom by faking a smile and renaming the war to Operation New Dawn, according to an article by The Washington Post. Operation New Dawn will come into effect[Read More…]

Our View- Hate crimes infringe on social order, freedom

In 1651, Thomas Hobbes defined life without order as “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.” His book, “Leviathan,” asserts that an indefinite lack of order would grant people a sense of entitlement to anything and everything they want. Thus, creating the ultimate dog-eat-dog world scenario. In order to avoid such[Read More…]

Israel ‘occupied’ in mess

This past week has been quite eventful for the state of Israel, to say the least. The events of this week have shaken the Israeli economy, its government and its people in several ways. First, Israel announced it has halted the building of settlements in East Jerusalem due to divestment[Read More…]

A fable for our times

Once upon a time and long ago and far away there was a University by a Beach. The University had a President who was a King — or a King who was a President, I am never quite sure — and various provosts and various deans, but one Provost and[Read More…]

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