Tag: csulb

Shark bill proposes $4 million budget

A new bill proposes a five-year, $4 million budget to fund research, education and monitoring of white sharks in southern California. Chris Lowe, Cal State Long Beach professor and Shark Lab director, recently contributed to the bill written by Assemblyman Patrick O’Donnell. This would give marine biologists the power to[Read More…]

CSULB future hanging in ballots

Fliers around campus, informational booths along busy university areas and tables bribing students with coffee for talking to student government candidates — these sights can only mean one thing: Associated Students Inc. elections are here. Students can vote for their favored candidates online via email until March 14. The results[Read More…]

Genesis Jara begins her campaign for ASI president

From big brand internships such as Coca-Cola and a student ambassador for Amazon to starting her own nonprofit, Genesis Jara’s next goal is to add Associated Students Inc. president to her resume. Jara, a junior majoring in business administration, pulls her leadership experience from her position within the Hispanic Student[Read More…]

Sofia Musman takes the leap to presidency

Sofia Musman has been through all things student government. As a college of the arts senator, she listened to complaints from the campus community over the boycott, divestment sanction resolution that was proposed and passed last spring. As student body vice president, she oversaw a mixed group of senators debating[Read More…]

CSULB is ranked 70th on Kiplinger top 100

While the average student may be bombarded with issues of crowded parking and rising tuition on a daily basis, there seems to be a silver lining in attending school at the Beach. Cal State Long Beach was ranked 70th nationally on Kiplinger’s Best Values in Public Colleges Feb. 21. The[Read More…]

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