Campus, News

Navigating changes: updates on future campus parking fees

The Long Beach State parking pass is a necessity for any student with a car on campus. The cost of the pass is set to cost upwards to $250 a semester or $500 for the whole academic year.

A motorcycle pass will cost half the price at $125 a semester.

“I do have the full year parking pass right now, the increase personally won’t hurt me as much because I am a little more middle class, but I am sure for other students who are lower class or struggling with income I am sure this will affect them,” said Colby Vu, a third-year psychology major student.

To alleviate the financial strain, LBSU offers a monthly payment option of $55, providing an alternative option for students unable to afford the upfront semester or yearly costs.

This option is particularly beneficial for students who rely on campus facilities for academic and extracurricular activities.

“I pay the monthly $55 fee for parking. The increase in the permit will make it harder for myself as I need to be able to park frequently at school in order to work at the SRWC as apart of ASI,” Dominic Nguyen, a graduating senior in kinesiology and fitness major said.

The increase of the parking pass is a result of following the standards of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The CPI is used as a benchmark for assessing the rise in the overall cost of goods and services, including those related to operating and maintaining parking facilities.

By aligning the parking pass cost adjustment with the CPI, the parking fee keeps pace with the general increase in prices in the economy.

“I believe commuting behavior, both driving or taking one of the many forms of sustainable transportation to campus, will be largely unaffected by this change,” LBSU Project Manager Chad Keller said.

As students prepare for the upcoming academic year, the increased cost of parking passes adds to the financial challenges associated with pursuing higher education.

The adjustment prompts a reflection on the accessibility and affordability of essential services for the student community.

For the fall 2024 semester, students can expect to pay $259 for a pass. Passes will be available for purchase Aug. 1, 2024.

For further inquiries regarding the LBSU Parking Pass, students can contact Parking and Transportation by phone at (562) 985-4146 or email at [email protected].

This article was edited for quality on April 27, 2024. 

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