Author: Daily 49er Editorial Staff

Crowds celebrate Prop.8 ruling

The streets of West Hollywood exploded with rainbow flags, chants and signs reading “Prop. 8. Gone. Finally!” hours after a landmark pair of U.S. Supreme Court decisions changed the game for same-sex marriage in California. In a 5-4 vote, legal challenges that sought to overturn a district judge’s ruling, which deemed[Read More…]

CSULB students to present bike path proposal at conference

Four Cal State Long Beach master’s of business administration students will travel to University of California, Santa Barbara next week to present their proposal at the California Higher Education Sustainability Conference. Lucy Le, Ishwar Bharbhari, Christopher Brunson, Tyson Siekiera and Briant Carcamo were chosen to present their proposal, “Sustainable Transportation Curriculum and Partnerships: The CSULB Bouton Creek Bike Path Project,”[Read More…]

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