
The Catholic Church comes after the gays of Washington

In response to Washington Governor Christine Gregoire announcing her support for a law legalizing same-sex marriage in her state, the state’s head Catholics call on all its devout followers in Washington to stand against marriage equality.

They make Jesus sound so warm and embracing!
According to the open letter by the Washington State Catholic Conference, “Legislation has been introduced in Washington State to change the current law defining marriage.”
“Marriage is related to bringing children into the world, and the continuation of the human race.”
 Lord knows with over 6 billion people in the world, long lines at the DMV and traffic jams on the 405, reproduction is at jeopardy big time! 
“Married couples who bring children into the world make particular sacrifices and take on unique risks and obligations for the good of society,” according to the open letter.
Apparently, getting knocked up makes you some kind of superhero.
“Were the definition of marriage to change, there would be no special laws to support and recognize the 
irreplaceable contribution that these married couples make to society and to the common good by 
bringing to life the next generation.”
I guess that means the gays, the elderly, couples who can’t reproduce, people who have children out of wedlock or anyone raising children who aren’t a result of their married genitals rubbing up against each other, must be not be contributing to society positively.
“For these reasons, we, the Catholic Bishops of Washington State, call on the citizens of this state to maintain the legal definition of marriage. We ask all to join in praying with us for married couples and families and to do everything possible to support them.”
For a bunch of men who live together and don’t have sex with women, these bishops sure seem judgmental of the gays.
Hating gays is considered acceptable by society, as long as you stick your religious beliefs next to it. 
Churches should have the right to refuse equal treatment of gays in their religious buildings, throw those stones you sin-free bishops. 
Can we, however, draw the line when our religious beliefs start messing with laws that effect people who don’t follow our religion?
If these bishops really care that much about the next generation, why don’t they, instead, direct their energy at the number of kids in foster care? What about all the orphans on the face of this planet? 
How about sending a message out about how no one should have kids until every kid without a parent to tuck them in bed at night is adopted? 
If they really care about the next generation, then why not promote gay marriage, so the families of children lead by same-sex parents have all the same legal protections families that opposite-sex parents have?
The truth that is this has nothing to do with the children. Once again, the children and the family are being used to spread lies about how gay marriage effects them. 
Maybe one day it will click to people that the only people gay-marriage effects, is gay people!
Read the WSCC’s open letter here:    

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