
Breathalyzers in bars encourage ‘Don’t Die Drunk’

Proving that school teaches more than just theories, Cal State Long Beach communications studies graduate Nicholas Grond has turned a class project into a career. His non-profit organization, entitled “Don’t Die Drunk,” is the continuation of a project he worked on in his communications class with Dr. Lynda McCroskey.

“Don’t Die Drunk” is dedicated to putting breathalyzers into bars to help patrons become more aware of how drunk they are before they decide if they are capable of driving home.

“I think anything that provides people a chance to be more aware of their alcohol intake can be advantageous if they choose to use it,” CSULB student Megan Mckinzie said.

“If they take it and then they’ve just, you know, downed a beer or a shot and they take it, it may be different in twenty minutes by the time they decide to drive,” Mckinzie said. 

According to Grond, the devices are the only FDA approved breathalyzers on the market and cost around $2,000 apiece. The machine has the user breathe into an 8-inch straw that is replaced after each use. The device can hold up to 200 straws.

“I think it’s a good idea,” Jesse Cuevas said. “I mean, if people had the option of at least knowing if they’re able to drive.”

Cuevas added that he thought there was some potential for the machines to be misused for drinking games, but that it could also be a good thing for people who want to be responsible.

So far, Grond has claimed that his organization has put breathalyzers into two bars, although the Daily 49er has been unable to verify this. One of the bars disavowed any knowledge of the machine, and the other was not able to be located.

In addition, Grond said he is working on putting three more of the devices into various locations, including one at Shannon’s Bar on Second Street. When contacted by the Daily 49er, however, no one at Shannon’s was aware of any such effort.

Grond also said that his organization put one in the Kappa Sigma fraternity house and that he takes the machines to various events including the Grand Prix, Warped Tour, KROQ Acoustic Christmas and the Long Beach Pride Festival.

“We’ve gotten a pretty good response from everybody,” Grond said.

“Don’t Die Drunk” is sponsored by fundraising events such as “1,500 Shots,” an event purportedly seeking to break the world record for largest group shot. That event aimed at getting 1,500 people to take a shot simultaneously in order to break what they claim is the current record of 1,300 people.

Although “1,500 Shots” failed to get enough people together to break the record, Grond says he managed to fundraise $4,000 to $5,000 for the cause. Grond plans on making another attempt at braking the record this Labor Day.

According to their Web site, “The record is 1,300 people in Germany. We were aiming for 1,500 people and bringing this record back to America!”

Students in the communications class were put into groups of 10 and told to raise money for non-profit organizations. Grond’s group raised about $7,000 by the end of the term for Don’t Die Drunk. Then they received a major grant for $120,000 from Google the day before graduation. Grond says he is still working with his group members on the project. 

According to their website, their mission is to “provide people and businesses with the necessary tools to effectively educate them on their blood alcohol content in an effort to increase awareness, safety and responsible decisions.”

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