
CSULB teams gear up for aircraft challenge

Two Cal State Long Beach teams will compete with their man-made flying machines in the Red Bull Flugtag challenge this weekend.

The Flugtag challenge started in Vienna, Austria in 1991, and has since been hosted in different cities around the world. The competition involves creating a hand-made machine with hopes that it will gain some airtime before plunging into the ocean waters. 

The teams competing are expected to do a 30-second skit before taking flight off a four-story high ramp that ends in the ocean. Each team will be evaluated on three criteria: flight distance, creativity of the craft and showmanship. The winner will win a ride in the Red Bull sea plane.

Each team has very different and unique ideas of what they will bring to the competition.

Team flies like a butterfly but stings like a ray.

This team is made up of two female and three male CSULB students with majors ranging from computer engineering to biology.

The flying machine is in the shape of a large sting ray that is carries the ancient civilization of Atlantis on its back, the team’s pilot Jaret Padilla said.

“We have about 10 people helping us out right now, but only five can be on the team,” Padilla said.

This is the second Red Bull event the team has participated in.

“We did the soap box race last year. We really enjoyed participating in the event so we decided to give this a try,” Padilla said.

The team has been working six hours a day Monday through Friday in order to get their flying machine ready by the deadline.

“We are confident with our machine. We are building it with carbon fiber,” Padilla said. 

Their 30-second skit will be done to the song “We Believe in Miracles” while the team tries to wake up the sting ray, dressed in ancient civilization attire.

“We would like for the CSULB community to come out and support us and choose us for the People’s Choice Award,” Padilla said.

Flight of the Vigilante

First time competitors, team Vigilante, is made up of five guys, two of whom are not from CSULB.

“One of them is a film graduate from University of San Diego and one is an Art Major from University of California Irvine,” Jacob Vera, pilot for the team, said.

The 49er shop and Home Depot are some of their sponsors, Vera said.

The glider is going to detach itself from a giant piñata, Vera said.

The piñata is made from 2″ by 6″ scrap plywood, chicken wire and some 49er newspapers they collected over time, Vera said.

The piñata is in the shape of a horse because it symbolizes a “vigilante trusty steed,” Vera said.

According to Vera, the hardest part was getting sponsors, collecting material and building the wings.

Even though the piñata will not be full of candy, they will give away candy to the audience.

“Our 30-second skit will include a villain, a damsel in distress and the Vigilante who comes to save her. I will be dressed as the Vigilante,” Vera said.

30 to 40 teams are expected to compete. The event takes place on August 21 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Long Beach Rainbow Harbor.

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