
New lounge opens in CSULB’s student union

The University Student Union added a new student lounge called The Basement on Monday. The Basement is downstairs in the USU, adjacent to the Sticks Lounge video game center.

“It was already crowded on Monday,” ASI communications coordinator Christina Esparza said. “I was surprised to see so many people there.”

The Basement is equipped with three flat-screen televisions, couches, chairs, tables and a piano. Above the lounge chairs, there are six SoundTube speakers that project music and block outside noise over a small area. Students can connect an audio device to the speakers by using cables that can be checked out at the counter inside the lounge.

In 2005, the Board of Trustees approved a renovation of the downstairs area of the USU, costing about $60,000. The Basement is located where the Interface Center and Piano Rehearsal Room used to be. Construction began about three months ago.

“Due to the damage because of the water intrusion to the Interface Center, we took that opportunity to change things around,” Esparza said.

The USU is looking toward adding snacks to sell at the counter, where a cash register is already in place. Video game rentals cost $5 an hour, but everything else in the facility is free.


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