
Date Doctor, David Coleman speaks at CSULB

More than 175 CSULB students sat anxiously awaiting for the “Date Doctor”, David Coleman, to come on stage and speak about relationships, dating, and sex on Tuesday night.

Coleman is an award–winning speaker and author who frequently travels around the country speaking to college students. He previously visited the school three years ago.

The University Student Union Program Council hosted the event in the USU ballrooms. Mary Randolph, program assistant with the USU Program Council, said they invited him back because of the positive response from students.

“Everyone was really affected by him,” Randolph said.

In his presentations, he shares some of the worst pick-up lines and he mentioned how to arouse each gender. Coleman also talked about the most common questions and concerns asked about relationships among college students.

When it comes to being involved in a relationship, each sex holds different fears, Coleman said.

According to Coleman the number one question asked by college student males is “Why do women see me as the nice guy?”

He said college females often ask him, “Why am I attracted to the bad boys that don’t want me?”

The biggest concern for college males is whether or not they will cheat because there are so many women.

College females fear that they won’t meet a decent guy or that they will date someone in college and never see them again after graduating. College males and women perceive relationships differently as well.

“College-aged men see commitment as a loss of freedom,” Coleman said. “College-aged women see it as a positive addition to their life.”

So what is the number one tip Coleman would give a college student when it comes to love?

“Never mistake infatuation for love,” Coleman said. “Infatuation is short-lived and love stands a test of time.”

Coleman gave a scenario of what he was talking about.

“Say you are really attracted to someone. That is good for now, but then another attractive person walks by. The new person that you find attractive can take the infatuation right away,” he said.

Coleman also said that in healthy relationships, there should be three types of love. These include Eros love (physical attraction and chemistry), Agape love (a heartfelt love that grows over time), and Philia love (enjoying time as friends).

Francesca Murry, a senior journalism student, was eager to hear what Coleman’s advice.

“I heard he was the pitch doctor from Hitch,” Murry said. “I wanted to see if his ideas from the movie would apply in real life.”

According to Coleman, a healthy relationship should have trust, respect, intimacy, passion and commitment.

“His advice on what women want was spot on,” Francesca said. “I hope a lot of guys in the audience took notes.”

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