
Sweetheart Smash event celebrates Valentine’s Day

Students who live in the residence halls decorated cupcakes and cookies, played games and had speed dates at this year’s Sweetheart Smash Feb. 10.

The Valentine’s Day-themed event took place at The Point in the Walter Pyramid.

Resident advisers Tiffany Sullivan and Lisa Lindeman from the Residential Learning College, and Simone Young from Parkside Commons set up the party.

Sullivan said the event, which included candy-gram making, dancing and prizes, was a safe way to have fun.

“I think it’s so adorable and fun,” freshman Los Alamitos resident Amanda Aknin said.

The venue was filled with pink, white and red decor. Heart-shaped decorations hung from the ceiling, and balloons and streamers were placed around the rooms.

Lindeman said housing paid for the event that took a lot of online shopping and brainstorming to put together.

“We want other residents to meet each other,” Lindeman said.

Senior Nick Powell said it was great to be able to have fun with a group of people instead of having the pressure of being romantic. He said this year’s Sweetheart Smash was more dance-oriented than last year’s, which had more crafts.


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