
CIA recruiter to discuss intelligence careers

A recruiter from the CIA will be holding an informational meeting at Cal State Long Beach today.

Students interested in a career in the Central Intelligence Agency can discuss their goals and ask questions about job or internship opportunities. 

Dr. KimOanh Nguyen-Lam helped coordinate the event. She is also director of the Strategic Language Initiative (SLI), a proficiency-based language program located at five CSU campuses.

Each SLI program at its respective campus offers a different language of significant national and global importance. 

Although the meeting is open to all students, Nguyen-Lam offered a special message for those who want to start a career in a U.S. intelligence agency.

“We know that U.S. intelligence organizations are looking for people with skills in strategic languages and cultures, so if you are serious [about a career in the intelligence field], please come prepared with a well-written, condensed résumé,” Nguyen-Lam said.

The intelligence community includes such agencies as the CIA, Drug Enforcement Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. According to Nguyen-Lam, there is a wide variety of jobs available, especially those with critical language skills.

“In this current economic downturn, few students have jobs lined up upon graduating,” Nguyen-Lam said. “By knowing what the industry, in both governmental and private sectors, looks for, students have time to prepare and meet these needs through coursework and internships prior to graduating.”

The meeting will be held from 3:30-5:30 p.m. in Liberal Arts building 4, Room 100. Students interested in attending should contact Nguyen-Lam at [email protected] or 562-985-5806.

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