
Students stress importance of financial literacy, credit

The Cal State Long Beach Bateman Case Study team hosted an on-campus financial literacy workshop for students last week. 

As part of a national public relations competition, students planned the event that focused on financial credit and management of personal budgets. 

The free hour-long workshop, which covered student-specific financial situations, featured a Budget Boost Camp presentation that discussed several tips on how to create budget spreadsheets and using online budget-tracking services. 

The workshop also included a section called Credit Crunch Course, which explained ways to form credit, improve credit scores and properly go about retrieving a credit report. 

The purpose of the workshop was “to increase financial literacy throughout [the Long Beach] community,” said Laura Faris, a Bateman team member.

Cal State Long Beach was not Bateman’s only stop. The case study team visited Wilson High School and community members at The Center in Long Beach.

“Financial literacy is essential to helping college students manage their money, their debt and their credit in today’s economic climate,” said Sarah Mojarro, a Bateman team member. “We want to help students understand the implications of today’s decisions on tomorrow’s finances.”

Attendees at the workshop learned that managing a budget helps measure past and future expenses, and that a credit score can “make or break you” when making large purchases in the future, such as a car or home.

“The workshop increased my awareness of ways in which I can save money,” journalism major Laura Newton said. “It’s important for me to set long-term finance goals and to remember to set aside savings every month. I live at home with my family in Long Beach and managing my income wisely is very important so I can move out ASAP.”

The Bateman Case Study team was established by the Public Relations Student Society of America.

Students with a variety of skills, including media relations, copy editing, design, photography and event planning, are a part of the team.

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