
CSULB proves a common destination for international students

A report from the Institute of International Education’s “Open Doors” shows that Cal State Long Beach has consistently ranked within the nation’s top universities for hosting international students for master’s degrees.

Junior journalism major Rabiya Hussain is from Pakistan, and chose CSULB because her older siblings are graduates.

Hussain said one point in particular that she liked was CSULB’s reputation for being one of the safest campuses in the nation.

“I was not limited to only taking day classes,” she said.

Freshman international business major Beedo Alshmassy, from Saudi Arabia, initially began his academics in Oklahoma but asked to transfer to California. Alshmassy said he is happy with his transition to the CSULB campus.

CSULB ultimately ranked No. 4 in the nation — only 78 students behind the top ranked university — for master institutions who hosted international students.

CSULB has consistently ranked within the top four universities for the past three years.

The “Open Doors” report noted that CSULB is a designation for international students but does not give any reason why the campus has been so popular.

Gabriel Moura, a film major from Brazil, said the campus itself was great, “booming with plenty of fun activities.”

Nathan Jensen, the senior director of CSULB’s Center for International Education, said that the current enrollment is driven by location and reputation.

Jensen said, “our location, our strong academic programs and our welcoming campus culture” attribute to the attraction of international students.

The U.S. had 723, 277 international students last year, as cited in the “Open Doors” report.

As of the 2010-11 academic year, “Open Doors” said California ranked as the No. 1 designation for international students in the nation.


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