
President Alexander talks funding with Obama

Cal State University presidents, including F. King Alexander, flew out to Washington, D.C. last week to lobby for higher education funding. 

Alexander said this recent meeting was a continuation from a meeting in December with President Barack Obama discussing the use of federal funds as leverage to force states to increase funding for higher education. 

If the federal government threatens to withhold federal funds it could stop California from further cuts to higher education. 

“State funding for higher education in tax effort is at its lowest point since 1965 and California is at its lowest point since 1962,” Alexander said. “Something needs to be done by the state abandoning funds for higher education.”

As the university presidents showed up in Washington, D.C. urging the White House to force the governor and the state legislature to spend more money on higher education, Gov. Jerry Brown had just left the White House lobbying for the reduction on education regulations. 

Governors throughout the U.S., not just California, oppose what the university presidents are proposing. 

“I hope our governor will see that this will work to the benefit of our students,” Alexander said. “Higher education does not currently have federal protection and we want federal protection to coincide with federal money.”

Alexander believes the message was well received among White House officials. 

“They agreed completely,” Alexander said. “The domestic policy group and the president were all in agreement that something needs to be done.”

Alexander said using federal power to force states to invest in higher education is directly associated with Obama’s reelection. He said the election of a conservative candidate could divert the CSU presidents’ efforts.

The CSU presidents have been working diligently in the efforts. According to Alexander, they have been advancing the message through many channels.

“[The] CSU is one of the best leaders nationally in promoting the federal and state partnership that needs to exist,” Alexander said. “We hope every college and university across the nation move in this direction.”

One Comment

  1. Avatar

    I recall Pres. Alexander when I was going to csulb. I am glad he trying something different. Each state needs to put emphasis on education, but as with all budgets there are priorities. What I have asked lawmakers is, if we don’t put the emphasis on education, then arent we going to lose the end result of education? Its called success!

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