
Our View-U.S. deporting dead man no longer in North America

Sometimes government officials just seem plain bored. They pursue frivolous and stupid causes like they were repressed Puritans during the Salem Witch Hunts, chasing down innocent people instead of attending to pressing issues that are facing this nation.

This is so infuriating, especially since we are in the midst of an economic crisis, a war with no end in sight and global warming concerns that threaten our very existence.

It is apparent that so many of the fat cats on Capitol Hill would rather waste time on hateful agendas than address these urgent issues because it’s a way for them to feel a sense of control in an uncontrollable world.

Immigration laws have for too long allowed government officials to practice idiocy. Yes, there needs to be reform to deal with immigrants coming into our country, but so many of the restrictions and rules are enforced to punish innocent people who mean no harm to America.

Government officials need to spend time regulating terrorist and drug activities that occur at our borders instead of wasting taxpayer’s money deporting dead immigrants.

Yes, dead immigrants are now being “smoked out” like they were members of al Qaida. Government lawyers are spending your money on national security by hunting down people in coffins.

One such individual on the “10 Most Wanted Deceased Aliens” list was — not is — a Southern California resident named Nasin Mauricio Rivera. He came from El Salvador in 1989 and lived in Echo Park with his family before his death from a heart attack in August.

While Rivera’s family transported and buried his body in El Salvador soon after, his case is still pending because the authenticity of his death certificate is in question.

Immigration authorities, citing principles as their reasoning, have sworn to prosecute the deceased man to the fullest extent of the law. They are trying to deport a dead man whose body is no longer in the U.S.

According to the Los Angeles Times, the informational death certificate that was presented to the attorney from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was insufficient — even though it was the only documentation that was given to Rivera’s family following his death.

What proof do these idiot attorneys need? Will they keep spending taxpayer money on this ridiculous case until a corpse is presented?

“The bottom line is the government is responsible for ensuring the integrity of the immigration hearing process,” said ICE spokeswoman Virginia Kice in an interview with the Los Angeles Times.

Kice and the rest of the “immigrant haters” are obviously concerned about illegitimate documentation being used to create the illusion that an undocumented immigrant is actually dead. If that’s truly the case, county officials in San Bernadino County where Rivera died should’ve released the proper death certificate to the family in the first place.

It seems like the breakdown in this case occurred at the bureaucratic level; maybe our government should hire more competent employees so we can avoid wasting time and money in courtrooms prosecuting somebody who’s been dead for nearly eight months.

This whole situation feels like an episode out of “South Park.” Can you imagine Cartman rallying the Feds to deport this “dead Mexican,” creating a statewide manhunt for a man who lays six-feet-under?

Unfortunately, this is not a cartoon skit. It is simply another example of how government funds and priorities are mismanaged to push hateful agendas.

With our nation demanding accountability from corporate bigwigs that used stimulus packages and bailouts to cash out hundreds of millions of dollars, let’s not forget that our own government often squanders taxpayer dollars fomenting immoral and moronic causes.


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    LOLCat-don’t be a dumb ass. This is a federal prosecution issue, not a California policy issue.

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    Aren’t those people running California all Democrats? While don’t you call them out? Boxer, Feinstein… the Dem controlled State legislatures. Why do they always get a pass in these op eds? If they were Republicans they would be called out…

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    Skinny Dog

    +1 for using “Fat Cats”

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