
ASI vice presidential candidate discuss his actions if elected

My name is Jeff Yutrzenka, pronounced u-train-ka, and I’m running to be your Associated Student Inc. vice president. My dedication to serving you, the student is why I am running to be your ASI vice president.

My commitment has been proven, and my work as a two-term senator-at-large gives you a track record on why I should be your ASI vice president. I have not only represented students at every opportunity, I represent students in every way. I have represented us in Long Beach and all the way to Sacramento. I participated in the California Higher Education Student Summit and fought for affordable education. I am also fighting for a better future.

I have served on more than 10 important student committees ranging from student fees, University Student Union and campus planning. I also have the experience to be vice president being the senate chair pro-tempore, which is second in charge behind the vice president. This means I have actually run Senate meetings. The learning curve has been erased and I am ready to work for you!

One of the few things I plan on accomplishing as your vice president would be a 24-hour library during midterms — this would be during weeks 4, 5, 9 and 10 — and increasing textbook rental and reserve so we don’t have to pay $100 a book. I plan to fight for the use of ASI money to fund more student scholarships, a line by line review of the ASI budget so we do not waste even a dollar, and revamping the ASI Web site to make it easier for students. These are a few important things I will work on but there is much more we can accomplish.

It is important to have a qualified and experienced student leader during these times. It is vital to have a vice president who has the backbone to stand up to the administration in Brotman Hall. It is necessary to have a vice president willing to fight every single day, 24/7, 365 days a year for a better campus, lower fees and more classes.

While education fees continue to rise, we’re having fewer classes and more furlough days. This is what I will fight against every single day as your vice president. We deserve the best education possible and should not have to pay more each semester for the same education. I will not be a yes man to anyone on this campus but what I will be is a vice president who fights for every single way, every single day and us.

I can promise you that as our vice president, I will be the person in Sacramento, in Brotman Hall, in our student senate fighting for every student on this campus from the senior who has a semester left, to the freshman who is still trying to figure out this campus, and everyone in between. That is who I will fight and advocate for, not just one student, not just 100 students, not just a 1,000 students but also all 35,000 students we have on campus.

We have a great and diversified campus; I will be the vice president who unifies us. We have a lot of work to do but we can do it. We have the opportunity and ability to change this campus for the better. With your help, we can do this together.

Jeff Yutrzenka is a junior sociology and political science double major and is currently running for ASI vice president.

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