
Kate Gosselin’s ‘Twist of Kate’ keeps her in media spotlight

Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. The other 50 percent in death. Marriage is one of the toughest commitments worth carrying out.
Disney has long put the fairytale wedding in the minds of children. Yet ironically, they never portray the family that eventually result from these weddings.

I’m sure we all remember the “sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G” children’s rhyme. Nowhere in that song, however, is cheating or divorce mentioned. Still, it is a constant theme in today’s relationships — especially with celebrities.

Recently, we heard of Jesse James’ acts of infidelity, the Tiger Woods debacle and before that, the Jon and Kate Gosselin controversy.
Unfortunately for celebrities, people actually care about their personal lives. Many Americans want to know every little detail about them. I am falling victim to this terrible disease in writing this article.

Jon and Kate Gosselin made a risky move when they first decided to let all of America, or at least TLC viewers, into their home. Those who watched, were able to witness the daily life of a family with eight kids — fraternal twins and sextuplets. So, when things started to go haywire, viewers felt like they were apart of this family of ten. Fittingly, they still wanted to be updated.

Turning their children into celebrities has had its share of consequences that Jon and Kate had to face. Not to mention the toll it took on their marriage.

Supporting just one child is hard enough; add seven more and the cost is unimaginably high. Financially, it makes sense for a family to create a reality television show so their children would not have to go without the things needed. The Gosselin children would be able to experience what other children do, such as vacations and trips to theme parks, zoos and beaches.

Although they were given special treatment and extra attention at the various places they visited, the family was living quite a lavish life.
However, I would not be surprised if, after Jon and Kate split, they started to suffer financially, as well as mentally.

Kate, nevertheless, is still in the limelight. The mother of eight has written books and was a contestant on “Dancing With the Stars.” However, even with all the pain she has been through, she is still being criticized. Kate is starting a new series called “Twist of Kate,” where she will be answering fan letters “to help and learn from others,” according to USA Today.

Although she is receiving a heap of judgments and criticism, I have nothing but respect for Kate Gosselin. Obviously I have nothing to do with Kate, nor do I know what it is like to be in that situation, but from what I have seen from the show and heard on the news, she can handle her business in a way that anyone can relate to.

“I want to be out there learning from others, helping to provide insight whenever I can, though I don’t consider myself an expert on anything,” explained Gosselin on her hectic life.

Through all the drama between Jon and his new girlfriends, and Kate’s new adventures the children, fortunately, have been rarely mentioned in the tabloids.

It takes a great amount of strength to maintain a healthy relationship, but it takes just as much strenth to pick yourself up when love alone is not enough.

If adults can barely grasp the concept of love and marriage, maybe we shouldn’t criticize another celebrity, 16-year-old Justin Beiber, for singing about things he supposedly doesn’t understand. While Kate Gosselin would probably agree, this discussion is for another time.

Kirsti Correa is a freshman journalism major and assistant opinions editor for the Daily 49er.

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