Letters to the Editor, Opinions

Dream Act should be implemented


Dear Editor,

The United States is considered 18 out of the 36 nations when it comes to education. Undocumented students who attend college and gain expertise in various fields are often unable to obtain employment due to their residence status. These educated individuals take their knowledge to other countries and provide services, technical advancements and innovate research because they are not accepted in the United States. As social workers, it is our duty to provide assistance to individuals and groups who are disenfranchised. Individuals who contribute to the America fabric of our lives and work toward the American dream are forced to leave America and strengthen other countries. For the benefit of our country, passage of the Dream Act is essential to ensure that America regains its position as a top educator by demonstrating acceptance and ethical treatment of all human beings. The passage of this act reinforces the old concept that America is a melting pot and all residents are treated with respect. Thousands of social worker students will converge upon Sacramento, CA. on April 10 and 11 to promote support for this act. 


MSW Candidates: Michelle Adams, Beth Domingue, Claudia Flores, Shannon Nemzer, Andera Teas and Yesenia Ventura

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