Letters to the Editor, Opinions

Poor students getting poorer: Is education worth it?

Dear Editor,


Based on Obama’s April 2012 budget speech, as Master of Social Work students we believe that the government should be investing in education. Obama discussed investing in “medical research, clean energy technology, new roads, airports, broadband access, education and lastly, job training.”


However, it doesn’t appear that education is a top priority. Obama states, “Worst of all, this is a vision that says even though America can’t afford to invest in education or clean energy; even though we can’t afford care for seniors and poor children, we can somehow afford more than $1 trillion in new tax breaks for the wealthy.”


The President keeps discussing eliminating waste, even though the waste hasn’t been identified. The true waste is the billions of dollars the government irresponsibly squanders on community programs that are not what communities need. What is being done for our children and our future? Where is the accountability?  


America is supposed to be the “Land of opportunity and optimism.”


As students, graduating in May, there are no jobs, so where is the opportunity? In six months, the government will come knocking for their overdue student loan money. However, we lack employment opportunities.


Is education worth it? Yes, but what is the government going to do in order to keep that morale to motivate students to seek higher education?



Master of Social Work Candidates: Luisana Barraza, Danielle Duldulao, Andrea Hernandez, Christine Landix, Elizabeth Methu, Alexandra Samuel-Sturgess

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