Tag: associated students inc

Campus media seeks to integrate outlets

Campus media may soon combine the efforts of KBEACH 88.1 FM, Union Weekly and College Beat TV under one name – 22 West Media. “It’s the hope that more students are going to consume and find their content more relevant,” said James Ahumada, ASI Communications Manager who is also overseeing[Read More…]

Candidates discuss platforms at forum

For those who aren’t burnt out on democracy after last November, there is an election going on this week for the Associated Students Inc. student government at Cal State Long Beach. And I hear what you’re thinking: who’s running? What do they want to do? Why should I care? The[Read More…]

ASI Senate moves to provide menstrual products

The Associated Students, Inc. Senate passed the first reading of a resolution that requires all campus restrooms to provide free menstrual hygiene materials. Senator-at-large Daniel Gomez and ASI Vice President Logan Vournas co-authored the resolution, called the Affordable Feminine Hygiene Act. Gomez addressed the issues of students having to makeshift[Read More…]

Back on the ballot

Associated Students, Inc. Senate approved the second reading of a senate resolution that would shed light on what students are paying for under the Student Excellence Fee during their meeting last week. The resolution, formally called the Resolution to Reevaluate the Beach Pride Referendum, would put said referendum back on[Read More…]

ASI Senate session puts students first

The Associated Students, Inc. Senate passed a senate resolution in its first reading that urges Cal State Long Beach to allocate health resources for transgender and genderqueer students, faculty and staff during a Wednesday session. The resolution, called Support for Transgender and Gender Non-Binary Resources, advocates for a portion of[Read More…]

Senate meeting: ASI talks inclusive beauty services

Secretary of Cultural Affairs Victoria Villa announced Wednesday in her report to the weekly Senate meeting that she is working with members of Associated Students, Inc. Senate and the Muslim Student Association to have more inclusive practices at Elektric Hair Salon in the University Student Union. To establish privacy for[Read More…]

Students, you down with O.P.P.?

Associated Students, Inc.’s new Senate Resolution 2017-17 tries to put pressure on the California State University Board of Trustees to “freeze initiatives and the tuition increase for three to five years.” ASI Senator-at-large Daniel Gomez introduced the resolution, dubbed Opposing Payment Peaks, on Wednesday. “A portion of the resolution is[Read More…]

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