
All letters to the editor, commentary, opinions, editorial boards, etc. Movie/tv show/book/music reviews should go in arts and life.

Should stem cell research be funded by government?

Conservative — Obama won’t condone ‘right’ way Brian Cuaron It is time for me and my fellow Republicans to come before the altar of the Democratic Party and admit our mistakes. So, with tears in my eyes and sorrow in my heart, I bow down in penitence as Bishop Obama[Read More…]

Bible is accurate far beyond science

A recent Wall Street Journal article “Prophet Sharing: The Good Book Is the Best Seller” states that the Bible is the best selling book in America, becoming so popular that one can purchase a wide variety of Bibles such as pocket versions, accessorized Bibles and even manga Bibles. The article[Read More…]

Letter to the editor-Iran not ‘nutty’ because of Ahmadinejad

The term “backwards” was used three times as well as “crazy country” and “loony”. These terms used in Gerry Wachovsky’s Daily Forty-Niner article “Iran’s philosophy is nutty ‘Looney Tunes’ feature” on Feb. 2 are done so in a demonizing and belittling fashion. I expect more — in terms of academic[Read More…]

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