
Invisible Children Club hosts fundraiser for war-torn countries

Cal State Long Beach’s Invisible Children Club will be putting on a benefit concert at DiPiazza’s restaurant today to help raise money for exploited children in Northern Africa.

The Invisible Children Club derives its name from the 2003 documentary of the same name. The documentary revolves around the abduction and forced conscription of children in a rebel army, named the Lord’s Resistance Army, which combats the government in Uganda.

“[The club was] created in response to the documentary, but we were also created in response to the nonprofit organization created by the documentary makers,” said Kaitlyn Nelson, president of the Invisible Children Club. “We raise awareness of the situation in northern Uganda and also in the Congo as the war has spread.”

The live performance will raise money for schools in war-torn countries across the world.

Nelson said she truly believes that the group can make a lasting difference in areas that are often overlooked, or invisible, to the everyday lives of most.

“We raise money to rebuild schools in northern Uganda so that [the children] can eventually lead their country, and stop this war so that it never happens again,” Nelson said.

Invisible Children participates in a program called Schools for Schools, where groups of students gather to raise money for specific Ugandan institutes.

CSULB, as well as dozens of other Southern California colleges and high schools, is currently donating toward the Sacred Heart School in Uganda, which also represents the Schools for Schools program.

According to CSULB’s Invisible Children website, the group has raised approximately $1,200.

“The money we raise is going to help build water towers, dorms for students and teacher housing,” Nelson said.

In addition, the Invisible Children Club has put on bake sales and book fundraisers. Students who sell back their books during the Bucks 4 Books campaign can use the code ICUnited to give 5 percent of the store’s profit to the Sacred Heart School.

DiPiazza’s is located at 5205 E. Pacific Coast Highway. The benefit show will start at 6:45 p.m., and doors open at 6 p.m.

Six different bands will perform, including Dr. Young’s Adventure Club, Ronin Son, The Absolute, Alpha Prevail, We Are the Arsenal and Bright Before the Fall. Tickets are $10 at the door.


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