
CSULB director wins award for Panama Canal film

Dave Kelly, the director of advanced media production at Cal State Long Beach, received an award for his documentary on the expansion of the Panama Canal and how it would impact trade from a worldwide perspective.

Kelly received the award from the Western Access Video Excellence (WAVE) for the documentary entitled, “Panama Canal Expansion: The Battle for Jobs and Cargo.”

Marianne Venieris, executive director of the Center for International Trade and Transportation, approached Kelly with the idea, then started to plan how the documentary would be produced.

The documentary was made to frame the overview of the overall impact of the trading business. It took five months to produce, including three phases.

“The initial [phase was] research and writing, then there was the acquisition of footage: Interviewing and videotaping phase, and then there was post-production phase,” Kelly said.

Kelly has helped to produce about four full-length documentaries in his department and about a dozen mini-documentaries.

This award-winning documentary was very well received, according to Kelly.

“Because it occurred at the turn of the century, it involved some interesting details that made it compelling for the audience,” Kelly said.

Kelly has been working at CSULB for 27 years and has been department director for 11 years.

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