
Newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events on campus and around Long Beach.

Statistics show CSULB Greek community increases, members disagree

Although members of the Greek community have expressed concern with their fellow brothers and sisters leaving their fraternity or sorority, statistics show an increase in the interest in Greek life. Approximately 200 men attended the information session for the Interfraternity Council and an increase of 12 percent of women registered[Read More…]

ASI votes to eliminate plastic bags, promote ‘green’ campus

Associated Students Inc. unanimously voted Oct. 5 in support of extending the Long Beach plastic bag ban to campus. The resolution proposed by senators Lizette Felix and Sagar Ramachandra would aim to cease the distribution of plastic bags with purchases from 49er Shops. However, according to Ramachandra, ASI has no[Read More…]

Students’ costly bikes reported stolen

A student reported that his or her bike was stolen from the Liberal Arts 1 bike racks on Oct. 3 around 4 p.m., University Police Capt. Scott Brown said. The white and red Trek bike was not locked with a U-lock and is valued at $1,000. After locking their bike[Read More…]

Events provide support for LBGT community

Students were provided with an actual platform to publicly announce their sexual orientation during “National Coming Out Week,” which has the goal of providing support for the LGBT community. Roughly 15 students gathered under clusters of rainbow balloons and pumping club music on the Southwest Terrace of the University Student[Read More…]

Long Beach Promise to streamline higher ed

Gov. Jerry Brown signed the “Long Beach College Promise Act,” Monday, validating a higher education pledge signed by Cal State Long Beach President F. King Alexander, Long Beach City College President Eloy Ortiz Oakley and Long Beach Unified School District Superintendent Christopher Steinhauser in 2008. The bill, SB 650, authorizes[Read More…]

Alumni screen film on UFOs

Gerson and Carina Sanginitto are returning to Cal State Long Beach, after graduating in 2005, to screen their film “Area Q” in the CSULB Latin American Studies Film Series. The Sanginittos are originally from Brazil, where Gerson studied theater and Carina studied nutrition. However, in 1996, Gerson moved to the[Read More…]

Brown signs DREAM Act

Gov. Jerry Brown signed the second half of the California Dream Act on Saturday, making Assembly Bill 131, legislation that grants undocumented students the opportunity to receive state financial aid, law. Starting Jan. 1, 2013, non-resident immigrants who have attended a state high school for at least three years and[Read More…]

Academic Senate talks GE changes

The Academic Senate (AS) reviewed a proposal last Thursday that would alter Cal State Long Beach’s general education program, but much of the review circled around natural science requirements and the naming of GE categories. The proposal was set to alter GE natural science requirements, humanities and arts requirements, capstone[Read More…]

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