
Newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events on campus and around Long Beach.

Conference to empower Latina students

The 9th annual Latina Connection Conference is seeking to help Cal State Long Beach Latina student’s feel connected and empowered in their educational endeavors. In fall 2001, Rosa Moreno-Alcaraz, a psychologist at Counseling and Psychological Services, and Rosa Carillo, an alumna who worked in Outreach and School Relations, established a[Read More…]

Students to march for education

Of all the rallies and protests held throughout the year, the March 4 protest promises to be different: It will be the first time in recent California history that members from all segments of the public education system will simultaneously protest cuts to education. According to a California Faculty Association[Read More…]

U-Pass likely to go the distance

Cal State Long Beach officials will be sitting down with Long Beach Transit to discuss the renewal of the U-Pass program, which offers free rides to students, faculty and staff year-round. The current contract expires at the end of the 2009-10 school year. “There is really not a chance of[Read More…]

CSULB students in Chile unharmed in earthquake

No California State University students studying in Chile were harmed by the devastating earthquake that struck Concepcion on Saturday. “Our first concern was to track down all of our students and make sure we knew where they were,” said Leo Van Cleve, CSU director of International Programs. Van Cleve said[Read More…]

Census to take snapshot of Long Beach

In the coming weeks, the United States census will begin sending out forms to citizens across America. The census, which is conducted every 10 years, serves as the leading source of quality data about the nation’s people and economy, according to the U.S. Census Bureau Web site. “The census is[Read More…]

Symposium examines budget cuts’ effect on minorities

Sparked by the fiscal crisis and its negative effects on campus, the Solidarity Symposium will address how the California State University budget crisis has affected underrepresented people on campus, such as blacks and Latinos. Speakers at the event will discuss how fee hikes and program cuts are going to affect[Read More…]

California now ‘part of the terrible 12’

Cal State Long Beach President F. King Alexander reported on California’s budget problem at the Academic Senate meeting Thursday. Alexander’s presentation was originally used in Sacramento, where he spoke at the third public hearing for the Joint Committee on the Master Plan for Higher Education on Feb. 17. He brought[Read More…]

ASI recycling center gets help from state Assembly

A bill that could save services at the university’s recycling center headed to the governor’s desk after being approved by the California Assembly. Lee Johnson, Associated Students Inc. recycling coordinator, said in an e-mail, “ABX8 7 just passed out of the Assembly with overwhelming bipartisan support. That is the bill[Read More…]

AMA launches its first annual regional conference

The Cal State Long Beach American Marketing Association is presenting its first Southern California Regional Collegiate Conference this weekend. Open to the entire College of Business Administration, the conference invited five Southern California AMA chapters: University of California, Irvine; University of California, San Diego; Cal State Fullerton, Cal Poly Pomona,[Read More…]

CSULB Mandarin Chinese program gets $2.88M

As 2010 begins, colleges are initiating new programs to further educate a generation that is dealing with one of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Recently, President Barack Obama passed a U.S. Defense bill giving $2.88 million to the Strategic Learning Initiative (SLI). “This bill will improve foreign[Read More…]

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