
Online extra-Islamic terrorists are lunatics to believe planet trusts their truces

Terrorists just never seem to get it. Not only do they have delusions of grandeur that makes them believe they are more important and influential than they are, but they just never seem to take a hint. Most of the world doesn’t see them as a legitimate governing body. And why would they?

According to al-Qaeda’s Ayman al-Zawahri, everyone’s favorite second-in-command terrorist, a “conditional truce offer” with President Barack Obama still stands. Well, isn’t that big of Ayman? The real question is: After years of the United States reaffirming that it does not negotiate with terrorists, how do you tell a group as thick-headed as al-Qaeda that there will not be a deal?

According to a statement by Zawahri on As-sahab, al-Qaeda’s media outlet, “If Obama wants to [reach] an understanding then he should respond to Sheikh Osama [bin Laden’s] two offers.” Is this guy crazy? That’s a stupid question — of course he is.

What makes these terrorists think that their “truce offers” will be taken seriously? If the United States were to entertain their offers, how does one trust terrorists to actually follow through on their end of the deal? The whole thing is ludicrous.

As reported on Breitbart, bin Laden previously offered a truce to America about not attacking Muslims, but “in that same audio recording he also warned that his fighters were preparing new attacks in the United States.”

According to Zawahri, who has called Obama a “house negro” in the past, “Obama is like a wolf whose fangs tear your flesh … calls on you to talk about peace.” Why don’t you tell us how you really feel, Ayman? “We are not idiots to accept meaningless flexible words. Obama is the new face with the same old crimes,” he concludes.

Anyone can tell how ridiculous these pseudo-truces are at face value. My point for bringing this up is simple — this is the mentality of the people we are dealing with. It’s rather eye opening that in this modern world, some people are so dense. Why would they be reasonable? These are the same Islamic fundamentalists that flew planes into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.

This is why former President George W. Bush’s “war on terror” is far from over. The insanity reaches farther than al-Qaeda. Pending the go-ahead from supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, experts say Iran is little more than a year away from assembling its first nuclear warhead. This is obvious cause for concern, as Iran just re-elected President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a lunatic in his own right. Should he get his hands on nuclear weapons it would be the beginning of the end for Iran.

The United States has already offered to open up talks with the country but, according to Times Online, “hopes of any constructive engagement have dimmed since the regime’s crackdown on pro-reformist protesters after June’s disputed presidential elections.”

The state of the world we live in is constantly changing and evolving. It seems that enemies remain and will continue to do so. That doesn’t mean that we, as Americans have to be ignorant to it. Just remember the old adage, “When an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is.”

Keeping this in mind will help everyone to keep Islamic extremists in check. Fundamentalist terrorists are enemies of the world that will continue until dealt with harshly and decisively.

Gerry Wachovsky is a graduate student and a columnist for the Summer Forty-Niner.

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