Tag: ASI

CSULB students and faculty alike protest on Sept. 5 against President Trump’s recent ruling of DACA on Tuesday near the FO3 building.

Cal State University Long Beach President Jane Close Conoley responds to DACA repeal with funds for hefty renewal costs

Two weeks after President Donald Trump pulled the plug on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, Cal State Long Beach announced Friday that funding will be provided for 2017 DACA renewals. For students completing a renewal by the Oct. 5 deadline, President Jane Close Conoley has committed $200,000 through the CSULB[Read More…]

DACA resolution promised at ASI meeting

Associated Students, Inc. is quickly getting back to work second week of the semester. It’s only the second meeting of the fall semester and new student government positions have been appointed, chair reports conducted and comments about Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals were held.   Roll was taken at ASI[Read More…]

CSULB campus remains divided over divestment

In an emotional vote that drew gleeful cheers and heavy weeping, the Associated Students, Inc. Senate passed for its second reading a divestment resolution from companies they say are complicit in Palestinian oppression. The resolution passed in a roll-call vote with 12 senators voting in favor, seven voting against it[Read More…]

Your not-so-average-Joe

It’s no secret that being involved with Associated Students, Inc. can be a time consuming endeavor, but the Beach’s newest vice president-elect makes sure to balance his academic and social calendar with an off-campus life. When Joe Nino isn’t at Cal State Long Beach, which is most of the time,[Read More…]

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