Tag: Palestine

Student activists took to the Speaker's Platform on Tuesday to voice their support for the people of Palestine.

Students gather on campus in support of Palestine

Unfurling a 20-foot banner that read “Hands off Jerusalem,” students of Cal State Long Beach swiftly responded to President Donald Trump’s recent announcement to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. In peaceful protest, approximately 20 students gathered at Speaker’s Platform Tuesday to voice their support for the people of[Read More…]

Beach Hillel talks heritage with CSULB

Strings of photographs lined the trees outside the University Student Union Wednesday as members of Beach Hillel, the center for Jewish students, showcased their annual voyage to Israel and the occupied West Bank of Palestine. Cal State Long Beach students passing by were invited to look at pictures taken on[Read More…]

CSULB campus remains divided over divestment

In an emotional vote that drew gleeful cheers and heavy weeping, the Associated Students, Inc. Senate passed for its second reading a divestment resolution from companies they say are complicit in Palestinian oppression. The resolution passed in a roll-call vote with 12 senators voting in favor, seven voting against it[Read More…]

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