
All letters to the editor, commentary, opinions, editorial boards, etc. Movie/tv show/book/music reviews should go in arts and life.

Matt Barnett for ASI vice president

Eight years ago I invited former Cal State Long Beach President Robert Maxson to speak to my ninth-grade class about The Beach. He came and, instead of speaking about academics, he spoke about the “college experience.” It was that day that I learned a very valuable insight into what college[Read More…]

Our View-Former Bush mastermind Rove deserves jail time

Once again, the Daily Forty-Niner editorial staff deems it necessary to slam the former Bush Administration for yet another clear “cult” example of how corrupt and unethical their practices were. Narrowing down the millions of those affected by the former administration’s responsibility in the financial crisis, the war on “errorism”[Read More…]

Boycott distorted truth

It is unfortunate that some Cal State Long Beach student senators proposed boycotting companies that do business with Israel. Their resolution intentionally distorts facts and context about the Gaza-Israel war to demonize Israel, much like the Hamas propaganda it echoes. It doesn’t help Palestinians, peace, or human rights, but rather[Read More…]

Students for Students Party unite platforms

Hello 49ers, we are the Students for Students Party and we consist of a group of diverse individuals that believes our campus deserves a student government that serves students better. We offer ideas that will bring positive change to our campus, and we have the experience and the goals to[Read More…]

This Week in Cartoons-Nick Morgan

Condoms can be funny, especially when they’re given to you for free as you walk past Brotman Hall on your way to class. At least that’s the reaction that Nick Morgan gets from various students as he gives out free packaged condoms and pamphlets filled with information about HIV and[Read More…]

Ending Conscience Rule done in bad conscience

In the early days of his new administration, President Barack Obama announced plans to reverse the Conscience Rule, a law instigated by the Bush administration that allowed doctors and medical workers the freedom to deny abortion and family planning services due to moral convictions. The regulation has encountered opposition from[Read More…]

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